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10 Poisonous Common Plants In Your Garden
By: bdenzer. Posted: Jul, 19, 2012

There are actually hundreds of plants that can poison our pets and our children, but these are 10 of the most common plants that you find in our yards and gardens that are harmful to pets. Many also have pretty flowers that we pick and bring into our homes. For more information, the ASPCA website has an extensive list of poisonous plants. http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/poison-control/plants/

  1. Autumn Crocus: Eating Autumn Crocus can trigger rapidly dividing cells and cause intestine problems, bloody diarrhea, and vomiting. (Botanical name: Colchicum)

  2. Azaleas: This popular flowering bush found in almost all parts of the country can damage a dog's cardiovascular system, cause upset stomachs & trigger vomiting. (Botanical name: Rhododendron

  3. Daffodils: The bulbs of Daffodils are toxic to dogs and can cause convulsions, tremors, lethargy, weakness, and upset stomachs. We know that dogs love to dig up things in the garden so it is not unlikely that they could eat Daffodil bulbs planted in their yard. (Botanical name: Narcissus)

  4. Hyacinth: This popular plant with beautiful flowers can cause severe vomiting, bloody diarrhea, depression, and tremors if eaten by pets. (Botanical name: Hyacinth)

  5. Japanese Yew: Extremely toxic to dogs, these evergreen bushes can cause seizures or cardiac failure. Both the plant and red berries are toxic and should be avoided by children and pets! (Taxis)

  6. Lily of the Valley: This beautiful little flowering plant that grows well in shade can cause heart failure, coordination problems, and vomiting if eaten. (Botanical name: Convalaria)

  7. Oleander Bushes: These beautiful bushes with dark shiny leaves and red, pink or white flowers are extremely toxic to pets and people! They cause heart damage, decrease the body temperature, increase the pulse and can cause death. The oleander is so deadly that people have actually died from eating a hot dog that was roasted on an oleander twig. (Botanical name: Nerium)

  8. Rhubarb Leaves: Although the stalks of the rhubarb plant are used to make delicious pies and desserts, if the leaves are eaten they can cause kidney damage. (Botanical name:Rheum)

  9. Sago PalmTrees: It may look like an upside down pineapple, but there’s nothing “sweet” about the Sago Palm. Found mostly in California, Texas and Florida, it’s popular for landscaping. A dog can die from eating just a few seeds of the Sago Palm. (Botanical name: Cycads)

  10. Tomato Plant Leaves: The leaves of the tomato plant, not the tomato, have a toxic ingredient that upsets stomachs and cause weakness, decrease in heart rate, even depression. (Botanical name: Lycopersicion)

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