National Pet Day – April 11

Posted on: April 11th, 2014 by Barbara Denzer No Comments

Today’s NATIONAL PET DAY!happy puppy

It was created to celebrate pets and educate people about the need to ADOPT pets rather than go SHOPPING for a pet at a store.  So it’s the purr-fect day to talk about the importance of pet shelters and rescues. There are so many devoted volunteers that are making a difference at pet shelters. Goals for many of them include developing into no kill shelters. If you’re out walking the dog and can walk by a shelter, stop in just to say thank you to the staff for caring for the pets until they’re adopted.

We believe that when we adopt a pet we are adding it to our family and giving it a forever home. Our pets, like our kids, are our family forever – as long as they live. We celebrate our pets everyday, that’s a given. Today we’re trying to talk about the importance of adopting pets from shelters and rescues whenever we can create the opportunity.  We posted about it on our Facebook pages to bring it to the attention of our friends.  But most of them already have adopted pets. Today we want to talk to someone that might like to have a pet but doesn’t really know about pet shelters and their role in society.

It’s easy to casually lead the conversation to talking about adopting a pet.  When we’re out walking one of the dogs, and someone stops to admire him or her, we tell them where we adopted him. We’re know we talking to a pet lover when they stop to talk to us and like all pet lovers, we  love to talk about our pets!


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