The second family horse is a mustang that was used for several years as a work horse on a farm. He’s much more laid back and calm than the Andalusian and is willing to do trail... Continue Reading →
The second family horse is a mustang that was used for several years as a work horse on a farm. He’s much more laid back and calm than the Andalusian and is willing to do trail... Continue Reading →
For Father's Day this year we're having the taco bar Dad and the kids love to have. Everyone gets to make their own taco salad with Only the ingredients they like, so they don't... Continue Reading →
Like most young children our kids had security blankets that went everywhere with them for well, a long time. Duckie, a stuffed yellow duck, was a favorite of one of girls. In... Continue Reading →
Our family was blown away with kindness one time when we came home from a long trip. A neighbor, Joe, picked us up at the local airport in California. It's always fun when... Continue Reading →
This BLOG for moms and dads discusses how caring for a pet instills positive character values in a child. Pets are a positive, fun and loving experience for a child. Whether... Continue Reading →