It’s possible you’ve never seen a Seeing Eye Dog but they’re very important to visually impaired or blind people. It takes several years of training at special schools for a... Continue Reading →
It’s possible you’ve never seen a Seeing Eye Dog but they’re very important to visually impaired or blind people. It takes several years of training at special schools for a... Continue Reading →
We first learned about Therapy Reading Dogs when we had friends with kids in the Victorville, CA school system. They had a well known Reading Therapy Dog at the Library once a... Continue Reading →
Animals can be great sources of comfort to our kids – and to us! Mary Renck Jalongo, PhD, professor at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (yes, no mistake) and author of The... Continue Reading →
At work we’re getting ready to start a program next month called 1,000 Points of Love. Our friend Joe thought this up and we love it. We’re going to ask friends of the Crazy... Continue Reading →
Every summer almost every school system or city recreational program has a summer reading program. They attempt to inspire kids to read books and usually motivate them by... Continue Reading →
On this veterans day, it's appropriate to recognize that Dogs can be Veterans too! They serve in all of the branches of the U.S. Military: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard,... Continue Reading →
Dogs can be trained do extraordinary things. One is the ability to alert parents when children are having a seizure - or even before it happens. That alone helps keep the child... Continue Reading →
My mailbox is a long way from my house, at the bottom of a steep hill. It seems like nothing good comes in the mail anyway (bills, ads, junk) so I don’t bother to get the... Continue Reading →
Therapy Dogs Benefit Kids - in Their Class Rooms Bella, a beautiful (as you may have guessed by her name) Australian Shepherd, is a reading teacher at Desert Knolls... Continue Reading →