Maybe it's February. It's raining & Windy in the West, Snowing in the Mountains, Blizzards are rolling through the East. People are stuck at home, some without power. We're... Continue Reading →
Maybe it's February. It's raining & Windy in the West, Snowing in the Mountains, Blizzards are rolling through the East. People are stuck at home, some without power. We're... Continue Reading →
Yesterday the Farrier came. With six horses, he stops by Horseshoe Road on a regular schedule. He gave baby Sprinkles, the Mini Pony, her second “manicure.” She doesn’t need... Continue Reading →
No matter what your religious affiliation, the Blessing of the Animals, on the birth date of St. Francis of Assisi has turned into a National Day. No one knows exactly when the... Continue Reading →
“The Last Great Race,” for sled dogs and mushers officially takes off tomorrow in Willow, Alaska! Ceremonial Festivities began in Anchorage today – but not without help from... Continue Reading →
Day 19 - Earlier this week I posted this picture of little Mini Pony, Sprinkles, on Facebook. Somehow the 4 week old got between the railings around the horse stables and the... Continue Reading →
We focus on the benefits pets bring to our lives but today we bring to your attention more RECALLS on pet food. Our pets deserve safe food just as our children deserve nutritious,... Continue Reading →
Giving thanks for all our friends and family and the Freedom we have in this country - and the pets that are Part of the... Continue Reading →
Beware of Some Peanut Butters & Nut Butters, Some Holiday Candies, Some Toothpaste & of Course Chewing Gum! When it comes to safety and quality, pet parents are some of... Continue Reading →
Where do we begin in this crazy story? Pre-beginning: This blog (and web) is about connecting kids and pets. The more we model love and caring for pets the more likely our kids... Continue Reading →