We focus on the benefits pets bring to our lives but today we bring to your attention more RECALLS on pet food. Our pets deserve safe food just as our children deserve nutritious,... Continue Reading →
We focus on the benefits pets bring to our lives but today we bring to your attention more RECALLS on pet food. Our pets deserve safe food just as our children deserve nutritious,... Continue Reading →
One of the great benefits of having a pet is that they add so much fun and laughter to our family life! Whether it's your cat making a flying leap to catch the feather on the... Continue Reading →
Looking for new things to keep the kids occupied and aware when traveling? Forget the license plate game and focus them on looking for Signs that have pets on them. It may... Continue Reading →
Giving thanks for all our friends and family and the Freedom we have in this country - and the pets that are Part of the... Continue Reading →
If you're on your way to Grandma's house today and taking your pet, remember to buckle them up - in a crate, carrier, birdcage or pet seat belt. Please don't let them hang out... Continue Reading →
Thanks to TJMaxx, Home Goods & Marshalls and any other stores closed Thursday for giving (us &) their employees Thanksgiving Day off to enjoy with their families! Taking... Continue Reading →
In my quest to assemble reasons kids need to have a pet, (up to 232 of them are listed on the Kidoodlepets website, and there are dozens more that I don't know how to add to my... Continue Reading →
This blog is about connecting kids and pets and talking about the benefits pets bring to our lives. Somehow pets get intertwined with everything in my life. Earlier this week I... Continue Reading →
Beware of Some Peanut Butters & Nut Butters, Some Holiday Candies, Some Toothpaste & of Course Chewing Gum! When it comes to safety and quality, pet parents are some of... Continue Reading →