There are lots of ways that we incorporate our love of pets with Howl-O-Ween activities. From decorating or carving our pumpkins like cats, dogs, bunnies, etc. to dressing up... Continue Reading →
There are lots of ways that we incorporate our love of pets with Howl-O-Ween activities. From decorating or carving our pumpkins like cats, dogs, bunnies, etc. to dressing up... Continue Reading →
October is one of our favorite months for the Kids & Pets connection. World Smile Day is a natural since a lot of pets naturally smile! Kids can help walk the dog, love... Continue Reading →
October brings autumn leaves, bon fires, homecomings, fall festivals and Halloween! It starts out on the first with National Fire Pup Day in honor of all Fire House dogs and the... Continue Reading →
Halloween is an exciting day for pets. Doorbells ringing and strange people there when it opens are sure to put both dogs and cats on edge. While trick or treaters are out and... Continue Reading →
The horses down in the meadow are starting to feel the excitement of the kids getting ready for the neighborhood Halloween Party and Horse Parade. They have been measured and... Continue Reading →
Costumes for Pets are so much fun! But be respectful about putting costumes on your pet. Dogs and cats aren't born to wear clothes. Select a costume that has plenty of room for... Continue Reading →
We always worry about black cats on Halloween because our black cat, Cinder Mittens, was so special to our family. If you have a black cat, keep it inside for the week before... Continue Reading →