Pet Therapies Due to the Human-Animal Bond

Posted on: May 19th, 2014 by Barbara Denzer No Comments

We would have to be almost oblivious to lifestyle news not to notice all the many types of therapy that are available from pet therapy animals in today’s hectic, stressful environment. I’m amazed at the things that pets can be taught to help us have a safe, full and healthy life!

Dogs are taught to sniff out and warn us of cancer cells, seizures and diabetic ups and downs to name a few of the healthy miracles they can perform. I saw a video on the web yesterday that filmed a man with advanced Alzheimer’s who couldn’t talk to his family anymore. Yet when his dog came to visit him, a video camera recorded him talking to his dog about the things they used to do together! What joy that brought to his family.

Dogs, cats and bunnies visit hospitals to cheer up and comfort patients. You don’t need a video camera to see faces light up when the pets arrive.

Children read to their pets and even stop to tell them not to be worried, there’s a scary part coming Bella, Reading Teacherup. They pet their cat, dog or bunny to help reduce the animal’s stress while improving their own reading skills! Guess who benefits the most?

Horses help kids and adults with balance, flexibility, skills and companionship. They are a great comfort and benefit to children with autism.

Service dogs can guide the blind, help the deaf, do tasks for those who are physically impaired, call 911 when someone falls, turn lights on and off, open doors, fetch items, pick up things and can even pull or push wheel chairs and wagons.

Search & Rescue dogs are taught to use their amazing sense of smell to sniff out smoke, drugs, bombs, chemicals and the scent of lost or injured people who need to be rescued.

If you or someone in your family could benefit from one of the many benefits that animals can help us with, look up “Therapy Dogs” on your local webs!

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