Best Summer Activities for Kids & Pets

Posted on: June 18th, 2014 by Barbara Denzer No Comments

The first thing we like kids to do to get ready for summer is create a calendar of all the activities that we have planned. Kids like a schedule and they like to know what’s on it ahead of time. We get out empty calendar pages for June, July and August and hasurf dog on yellowve them write in the holidays, the days they will be going to camp or going on the trip to the family reunion. We add the summer birthdays of the family.  We list the special pet holidays and fun kids days.

A lot of the summer activities can include the pets!  A bunch of special days on the list are National days for different foods – like ice cream, banana splits, chocolate pudding, watermelon etc.  (No, there aren’t any Broccoli days or carrot days that we could find.) Our list has over 100 things that they can do to keep them busy during the summer. They’re divided into categories.

One of the best group of activities to do in the summer involves water!  Give the kids water, in almost any form and they will stay busy, be relatively calm, cool off and have fun!  Anything from old fashioned squirt guns to a bucket of water to cool their feet in will help. Wading pools and swimming pools are favorites but require constant supervision for all ages. Slippery slides, sprinklers, running hoses and water tables provide lots of fun without danger of drowning. Dogs love water too and can happily play along with kids.

Check out our article of things for kids to do this summer (Best Summer Activities for Kids & Pets).  Take a few minutes to look at it and maybe print it out and put a check mark next to the activities that you think are appropriate for your children. They’re mostly things we all have around the house, games, puzzles, pop up tents or blankets that can be used for tents, boxes, jump ropes etc. There’s a list of events your city probably offers during the summer. There are some simple non-cooking food preparations that kids can do with your permission and supervision. There will be some supplies your kids need to help them keep busy, planning ahead will avoid last minute dramas. Have a great summer with your kids and your pets!


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