Therapy Dogs Benefit Kids – in Their Class Rooms
Bella, a beautiful (as you may have guessed by her name) Australian Shepherd, is a reading teacher at Desert Knolls Elementary school in Apple Valley, CA! She’s a “reading education assistance dog.” She volunteers by visiting the classrooms and the school library where children read to her. They don’t have to worry that she will correct their pronunciation, she just likes to listen. They get practice reading, It helps them gain confidence and they “adore” Bella.
Child Psychologist Dr. Frieson conducted a study in 2010 with children and therapy dogs in a class room setting. He found that the animals provide a social and emotional support system for children. Because the animal seems non-judgmental to the child, it is perceived as comforting. Bella, by the way, has her own Facebook page: Read-With-Bella. Please visit and LIKE her page.