Teach Your Kids to Love Pets 6 – Talk About Them

Posted on: July 8th, 2011 by Barbara Denzer No Comments

Teach Your Kids to Love Pets #6 – Pets Help Children Communicate
When our youngest child was 2 years old she hardly talked in more than single syllables and even those were few and far between. She didn’t have to talk, the older kids talked for her. (It was quite a switch from the first child who spoke in full sentences at 9 months.) Our little girl was blessed to have a Grandmother and an Aunt who were early childhood teachers. They thought something was wrong and they wanted her to be tested. We thought she would talk when she was ready. It was getting to be a family issue.
One day her father took her with him to visit a buddy who lived on a farm. The farm family had a cat with a litter of kittens that needed new homes. Our daughter immediately picked out one and wouldn’t leave without it. It was completely black and she couldn’t wait to get home and show the rest of the family her kitten. She told me the kitten’s name was Cinder Mittens! I was stunned. She didn’t stop talking about that little kitty for about 12 hours – in fact maybe she’s never stopped talking since then! Two is a little young for having a pet but we told her why she had to be gentle, told her why we were feeding the kitty special food and told her why we were making a special bed with a clock under a pillow that ticked like a mother’s heart.
Our talking about the kitty gave our daughter a desire to communicate with all of the family. She absorbed the words like a sponge and couldn’t wait to tell anyone and everyone how to care of the cat. Not many children will have such a break through experience, but talking to their pets and talking about their pets to other people does foster communication skills. It also gives children someone to talk to that doesn’t laugh at them or criticize them if they use the wrong word. Apparently pets will even laugh at their jokes! Cinder Mittens lived with us for the next 18 years. That was a couple years longer than our daughter did! Ever since she moved out she’s always had a cat or two. She has dogs too and even a horse – and we talk about them all every time we chat. Fostering communication and socialization are just two of the wonderful reasons we need to teach our children to love pets!

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